date4love - Free dating site
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27 Jul | 09:47
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84 Men, 51 Women
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Why advertise here ?
The site is one of the biggest dating sites in Israel.The site runs for over 9 years and is positioned in places 1-2 on the first page on Google (organic) on the popular words "dating", and "free dating".

The site get 30-40 thousand (unique IP address) visitors daily, with hundreds of thousands of page views daily, and over 800 thousand hits a month.

Users are exposed to additional content (games, trivia, jokes, stories surfers cards) which make this site a lot more than just a dating site. The operating costs are low and therefore the publication is offered at significantly lower prices.
How does it work ?
We use an advanced banner system from Google which is called DFP Small Business.

This system allows great flexibility in building a campaign based on customer requirements, we will allow you to choose the layout (number of banners or one banner), the media (normal, flash, with image fallback) and the pricing model (CPM or CPC).

You may also enable multi-media on a slot (more than one banner in rotation) Multi page campaign, limiting show to specific days or hours and all within your budget.

Who is my target audience?
Hundreds of thousands of quality singles of all ages, from all over the country. The age of more than80% of users here is 20 to 40, with over 85% of them in a martial status of "Single"....
for updated statisticsclick here

This site strictly prohibits the registration and/or activity of married people, and operation covert and overt mechanisms to prevent this activicty. also phishing and other negative activities are monitored regularly.
Campaign segmentation
Campaign segmentation exposed your ads only to a specific audience that you need to target, and therefore is much more efficient than a non segmented campaign.

Studies has proved that a segmented campaign is much more efficient to advertisers, and therefore bring better results.

You may segment your campaign on gender, age groups, martial status and other parameters. You may also choose different days and / or hours.
SEO by Links
At the same time, you may exchange links with us. You link will apear at the "recommended links." This box resides on two most popular pages: login (home page) and the main site's page.

We also be happy to exchange links with you (free of charge, for SEO). These links are shown on various pages here.
Real-time performance monitoring
DFP lets you get a real time performance reports for your campaign. This includes expressions, clicks and of course the CTR.
Questions and contact
We will be happy to answer any question that raised. for further details click here.